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Meeting Unmet Needs * Sharing God's Love
St. Joseph, Missouri
Contact: Nadienne Hoffman, Director



Transportation Ministry

We serve the elderly and individuals with disabilities, particularly those that do not qualify for state or federal aid but are living on a fixed income and often fall through the cracks of local social services. One way we do this is by providing free transportation to persons over 60 to doctor's appointments, food pantries, and housing. To find out more about this outreach, please contact the FIA office. 

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We serve the elderly and individuals with disabilities, particularly those that do not qualify for state or federal aid but are living on a fixed income and often fall through the cracks of other social services.  One way we do this is by providing safe mobility in and out of clients homes by building ramps. We provide free labor for the building of the ADA compliant ramps through church volunteers. At this time our clients must pay for the materials to build their ramps. To find out more about this outreach, please contact the FIA website. 



Get Involved

Get Involved

Become a Partnering Church or Organization


We engage participating faith communities to address the unmet needs of vulnerable individuals and those who care for them. Together, the participating faith communities’ work to strengthen and complement the care vulnerable individuals may be receiving and/or provide support to those without care through the Faith in Action Volunteers network of volunteers.


Faith in Action is an organization that works to keep the seniors and the disabled in our community as independent as possible. We work with those in our community that often fall through the cracks. Our clients are those in the community that have no family close by to help them and may not qualify to get help from the state.


Faith in Action came into existence as you know it today because churches came together and said “We want to continue to help those in need and we are willing and able to work together to make sure we can as we put our Faith in Action."


Faith in Action is wholly supported by our faith communities.


· Partnering faith communities agree to pray for Faith in Action, it’s clients and volunteers.


· Partnering faith communities agree to promote awareness of the services and volunteer needs of Faith in Action.


· Partnering faith communities encourage their members to be Faith in Action volunteers.


· Partnering faith communities agree to contribute financially to Faith in Action’s Salary Fund and to consider additional Love Offerings to the General Fund.


To learn more about becoming a partner faith community or organization, contact the FIA office. 



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